This post was written by William Ho, User Experience Designer and member of the EveryScape Marketing team

- 3-D glasses with stereographic images…
- Sidewalk graffiti branding…
- Animated MBTA ads…
We at EveryScape asked a graduate class in Integrated Marketing Communications at Emerson to come up with a go-to-market strategy. Rebecca MacQuarrie (Director of Marketing at EveryScape) and Douglas Quintal (Marketing: Undergraduate Program Director) organized this collaboration.
Their main task was to focus on the following problem:
“How can EveryScape reach the small local business owner who needs a web presence?”
For this semester long project, three Emerson teams pondered long and hard about this question. Their ideas led these teams to conduct user and market research, invent user personas, create print ads, and produce powerpoint slides in preparation for their final presentations. Each team had just one hour to prove they had the best marketing strategy for EveryScape. Not only were there prizes and bragging rights involved, their semester grades were on the line!
Here are some of the marketing creatives they produced
New Taglines:
“ Know your neighborhood. Know your World.”
“Step Inside!”
Ad Copy:
“It’s what’s inside that counts”
“Let people in 24/7 with no reservations.”
“Do they know you have a mechanical bull?”
Ad Examples:

Even though there was just one winner EveryScape would like to give props to all the effort put in by all the students and Professor Quintal during the semester. After the presentations we left carrying a 2 foot high stack of market research, ad creatives, and collaterals!
In the near future don’t be too surprised if you see an EveryScape street team handing over 3-D glasses at a local event or see an animated WebScape on the MBTA!

What an awesome job! Congrats and thank you to all!