Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Special Update: New Features

We have been burning the midnight oil around here to launch some new features that will really shake things up in the Real World Online. To give you a snapshot into what's to come in the next few months, here's a Top 10 List of New Features:

10. Partnership with Virgin Galactic to bring space content to expand "The Real World Online" into "The Real Galaxy Online".

9. X-Ray vision application that will allow you to morph directly from a street scene into a high-res X-Ray of any person or animal captured in the photo.

8. Scape of the Basement of the Alamo to help PeeWee finally find his lost bike.

7. ScentScapes that will allow users to not only see a new destination, but smell it as though they were there.

6. New Bar and Nightclub comprehensive tour of all pub bathrooms highlighting cleanliness to better help bargoers make their selection for where to spend their nights out..Not to be offered in conjunction with ScentScapes.

5. New E-Commerce immediate booking feature whereby you click "Go Here" and are instantly tele-ported to the destination of your choice.

4. Attractiveness optimizer whereby we automatically retouch anything that falls beneath the EveryScape attractiveness radar.

3. For every "slink" or orange EveryScape arrow clicked, we'll donate $0.05 to our favorite charity: Avenge Bambi's Death at the Hands of StreetView.

2. DogScape, whereby we lower our camera angle several feet to a dogs-eye-view, stopping at each fire hydrant, tree and fence post along the road.

And the number 1 new feature for EveryScape on this 1st day of April...Due to network TV cutbacks, we're announcing a partnership with Extreme Home Makeover where we virtually make-over homes so that families can see what the folks at EHM could have done, if their house was selected. We believe this sends both a heart-warming and green message!

Happy April Fool's Day!

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